Complex management of all your requirements is our top priority. Our services are offered 24/7.
Professionality, efficiency and quality make us distinctively better. Project management, public
procurement consulting, event management and life long education under one roof.
This is us – A4A – Agency 4 Academy!


Kompletné vybavenie Vašich požiadaviek je našou hlavnou prioritou.
Služby poskytujeme 24/7. Odbornosť, profesionalita a kvalita sú našou vizitkou.
Projektový manažment, nastavenie verejného obstarávania či príprava podujatí a doplnkové vzdelávanie pod jednou strechou.
To všetko je A4A - Agency 4 Academy!

Successful project, our legacy.

We don’t wait for the opportunity, we create it.

are successful.

Spoločnosť A4A – Agency 4 Academy pôvodne vznikla ako agentúra realizujúca komunikáciu so študentmi, odberné akademické podujatia a odborné eventy. Všetci 4 zakladajúci členovia sa okrem svojich profesijných zameraní v oblasti práva, financií, manažmentu a verejnej správy venujú práve realizácii odborných, kultúrno-spoločenských a vzdelávacích podujatí. Medzi najväčšie patrí prvé modelové zasadnutie Organizácie Spojených národov na univerzitnej úrovni na Slovensku (SlovakMUN) pod záštitou prezidenta Slovenskej republiky, dva ročníky najväčšej právnickej konferencie na Slovensku – Bratislavské právnické fórum, štyri ročníky plesu právnikov, organizácia tzv. „moot courts“ vrátane regionálneho finále Európskeho simulovaného súdneho sporu. Spoločníci takisto zorganizovali výročné konferencie jednotlivých operačných programov Ministerstva životného prostredia SR či Ministerstva školstva SR a v súčasnosti pracujú na príprave šesťdňovej konferencie pre Ministerstvo obrany SR a NATO.

Rozsah a obsah podujatí a ich zabezpečenie na vysokej odbornej i spoločenskej úrovni si vyžaduje profesionálny prístup a stopercentnú prípravu. Zamestnanci spoločnosti sú preto okrem skúseností vybavení aj kurzami diplomatického protokolu, spoločenskej etikety, protistresového manažment a vynikajúcimi komunikačnými zručnosťami. Pridanou hodnotou je spolupráca s odborníkmi na marketing, grafiku, videoprezentácie či moderné technológie.

Aj vďaka týmto kvalitám sa všetky naše podujatia uskutočňujú v prestížnych priestoroch ako Národná rada Slovenskej republiky vrátane jej historickej budovy, Aule Univerzity Komenského či v štvorhviezdičkových hoteloch. Unikátna poloha sídla spoločnosti v Nitre s dobrou dostupnosťou do všetkých regiónov nám zároveň zaručuje pokryť oblasť západného, stredného a južného Slovenska.

Eurofunds represent more than a half of public investment in Slovakia. We expect to come approximately 15 billion euro to come until 2020 to Slovakia. A4A helps the public and private sectors to acquire the financial means and enhance civil, social or medical tools but also to uphold and raise cultural and creative industry, stimulate use of smart city concepts in public governance and make municipalities more effective.

Complexity and administrative paper work from project plan, through its execution, submission, evaluation and implementation requires long lasting experience, 100% effort, precision and considerable amount of creativity. We offer all these qualities. Thanks to knowledge of law, economy, management and IT, tailor-made projects execution is possible in a timely fashionable period while keeping the quality standard high.

Unlike our competitors, we approach our clients as partners. Thanks to the “Pay for results not promises!”, motto, clients pay for the overall services only when they hold an official project approval in their hands. If the project is not due to our administrative error, we refund the money back to him. The success of client`s project is also a measure of our success.

In addition to basic project processing, we offer assistance in setting up and realization of public procurement, issuing payment orders and invoices, implementing the project or tracking measurable indicators to its final evaluation. Self-evident is, of course, the preparation, administration and submission services (including printing and delivery) of the project. The complexity of services is also reflected in the price where we always try to meet the client in the middle.

Responsible Person: JUDr. Mgr. Vladislav Mičátek, PhD.

Public Procurement is of an imminent importance in Europe 2020 strategy documents. It can be characterized as one of the market oriented tools meant to accomplish smart, sustainable and inclusive growth to secure the most effective use of public finance.

It has a very specific, complex and intensive effect on a society. Not only from the public funds spending point of view but also from the angle of ensuring public needs in real time and in a suitable quality. The share of public expenditure in the total volume of the national economy marks a year-to-year increase, which can be attributed to the growing use of EU structural funds.

Agency 4 Academy provides comprehensive high-leveled procurement services. Thanks to this, we are successful in debasing our clients from tracking deadlines or from various administrative tasks and loads. Based on the experience and legal education of employees, we are able to provide public procurement counselling services properly and in accordance with the current legislation, the methodological guidelines of the IBA as well as with the handbooks on procurement procedures from the EU Structural Funds. We guarantee an individual approach to every task so that the result reflects your satisfaction.

Responsible Person: JUDr. Žofia Tulejová Bódi, PhD.

Nearly half of people in Slovakia do not work in the area of their university degree. As such, it is also the result of the devaluation of higher and secondary education, the lack of qualified manpower in the needed professions and, on the other hand, the overcrowded faculty of social studies and humanities. Schools are not capable or able to respond to the modern labor market and employers' demands. Critical problem is also foreign languages knowledge. In spite of the intensive teaching of English at elementary and secondary schools, only 14% of Slovaks are able to communicate fluently. A significant deficiency of education is also the underdeveloped system of dual lecturing.

A4A is bringing to market the idea of filling the gap in education awareness among high school and undergraduate students. Modern age is accompanied by massive digitization. This also applies in the area of education and employment. The problem, however, is the inconsistency, out-of-date and general fragmentation of the necessary information. Based on the company vision #Working4Success, # Working4You, we decided to call upon our potential colleagues, clients or vendors. We come up with unique catalogs that are sufficiently personalized but at the same time properly generalized so that every graduate or undergraduate student knows what is the best field of study to apply for, what to do to increase his or her qualification and who might be the potential employer. Unique approach to enlighten the future of pupils and students is also appreciated by employers with whom we are in constant touch.

In cooperation with the Project Management Department, the company also seeks support from European funds. As a result, A4A - Agency 4 Academy will also provide complementary training aimed at gaining general practical skills for the wider public. The courses will focus on financial and legal literacy, foreign languages, public administration and Europeanisation.

Responsible Person: Mgr. Jana Šmelková, PhD.


Successful project, our legacy.

We don’t wait for the opportunity, we create it.

Every event tells unique story.

are successful.


We are a young company with long experience of its founders. A4A was established based on two ambitious goals – to achieve success and to help others achieve it too. Therefore, #Working4Success, #Working4You is not only our motto, it is the vision, philosophy and an added value we offer to each partner. We have successfully managed, submitted and launched several EU funded projects, organized dozens scientific, professional, cultural and annual events but also guided satisfied clients throughout the crooked road of public procurement procedures. Thanks to a sophisticated way of building the client base founded on the motto “Pay for results not promises!”, we are already sought up by the municipalities, companies and individuals willing to consult their ideas, problems, business strategies or to broaden the scope of their commercial activities. All A4A partners provide the clients with complex and highly efficient service in the area of their professional departments. We are here for you!






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